Munro Mission 2023

Adventurer running all 282 Munros in Scotland non stop solo starting March 2023 to become the fastest Munro Bagger from Holland.

I have always been fascinated by Scotland. The country has 282 mountains of over 3.000 feet (914m), the Munro’s. Hence I came up with Munro Mission 2023, a solo run of over 4.500k and 200.000 altimeters, attacking all munro’s and becoming the fastest compleatist from The Netherlands. Read more about the Munro Mission>>

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Where is Fokkie?










Some funny facts & figures about the Munro Mission…

What is Munro Bagging?

Inspired by
Forrest Gump

That day, for a particular reason – to escape corona – I decided to go for a little run. So I ran to the end of the road. And when I got there, I thought maybe I’d run to the end of the town. And when I got there, I thought maybe I’d just run out of the country. And when I got there, I thought maybe I’d run to the end of the world…

Marathon des Sables: Niet normaal, je gaat toch niet rennen bij 50 graden. Je bent niet goed snik! Heb je professionele hulp gekregen? – Harm Edens in Gelderse Koppen

Ik heb de hele tijd dat je aan het woord was zitten schateren. Ik herkende er niets van en ik moet er niet aan denken te doen wat jij onderneemt. Ik kon alleen maar denken ‘Waarom, waarom, waarom?’ – Nieuwslezer Rik van de Westelaken

Een van de grootste avonturiers allertijden tussen wereldzeiler Henk de Velde en rasavonturier Steve Fosset. – SBS6 Topavonturiers allertijden

Invite Jan Fokke to speak

I am an entrepreneur, adventurer and public speaker. I’ve had the privilege of sharing the stories of my expeditions and the lifehacks I’ve picked up along the way, for many extraordinary businesses and universities. I speak on topics around personal leadership, risk management, passion, motivation and sustainability. I am a strong advocate of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Drop me a line…

Currently I am not represented by a booking agency, so you can book me directly.

After my Munro Mission I will be exclusively represented by Sportsspeakers. You can contact them directly to discuss fees and availability for online and in-person bookings.

In zeven dagen 240 kilometer door de woestijn rennen. Onderweg eet hij insecten. – AD

Deze man loopt 250 kilometer door de Sahara in de Toughest Race on Earth. Leef je dromen na – wil hij ermee zeggen. – Esquire

Van de Groenlandse ijskappen naar de Nijmeegse gladiolen, Jan Fokke is een extreemsporter. – Fons de Poel

enjoy these professional partners from Team282peaks

Munro Mission 2023

All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.

Images Munro Mission 2023

Over Expeditionlife

The Expeditionlife logo consists of a triangle and a scallop shell that together embody a number of values.

The triangle symbolizes mountains in an expedition life, both physically and metaphorically. Mountains call to be climbed and provide a canvas for contemplation. Life is a string of personal ups and downs. What are yours?

The scallop shell (vieira) in the center is an ancient symbol of the Camino to Santiago. The longest line of the shell points to the target. The shell symbolizes a lifestyle you experience during a pilgrimage to, for example, Santiago; pilgrims4life.

A pilgrim follows a way of life of simple, minimalistic and conscious outdoor living, close to nature.

A pilgrim is satisfied with less comfort, for him everyone is equal and appearance is not important.

A pilgrim has an open mind, thinks and lives off the beaten track and embraces the adventure called life. He is open to chance, synchrony and the law of attraction.

Pilgrims form a community of people who have a mission and are on the move. They are ‘on their way’, developing and searching for meaning. They string tops together and the movement is their ‘home’; an expedition life.

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